Estradiol (called α – estradiol or 17α – estradiol) for human breast cancer cells in tissue culture biologically active estrogen. Not part of the 17- and selective estrogen receptor (ER-X) traditional hormone / receptor of the endocrine system, but an important autocrine / paracrine function of the system is part of the growth in the adult brain. In menopause, and neurodegenerative diseases (eg Alzheimer’s disease and ischemic stroke) treatment, 17- estradiol may have important implications for hormone replacement therapy thing.
Progressio notarum secundarum sexuum in mulieribus ab estrogens pellatur, esse specifica, estradiol. Hae mutationes tempore pubertatis initiantur, maxime augentur per generatiua annos, et minui pronunciatur declinatione estradiolis auxilio post menopause. Sic, estradiol auget pectus progressionem, et in corporis figura mutationes reus est, circa ossa, articulis et pinguis depositionis. Pinguis compages et cutis compositione modificantur per estradiolum.
Estradiol (quae α-Estradiol vel * 17 α-Estradiol) is a biologically active estrogen in human breast cancer cells in tissue culture. 17-Εstradiol and its selective receptor, ER-X, are not part of a classical hormone/receptor endocrine system but of a system with important autocrine/paracrine functions in the developing and adult brain.
17-Estradiol may have enormous implications for hormone replacement strategies at the menopause and in the treatment of such neurodegenerative disorders as Alzheimer’s disease and ischemic stroke.