LGD-3303 like LG121071, was developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals. The chemical structure of LGD-3303 resembles that of LGD-4033, another SARM developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals.LGD 3303 is NOT Anamorelin. It is the most potent SARM we have seen personally to date! LGD 3303 – Most Anabolic SARMs powder? There has been a lot of confusion about LGD 3303 being the growth hormone …
LGD-4033 (Лигандрол) is a novel non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to AR with high affinity (Ki ~1 нМ) и избирательность. Это класс андрогенных рецепторов. (дополненная реальность) лиганды, тканеселективные, разработан для лечения атрофии мышц, связанной с раком, острые и хронические заболевания и возрастная потеря мышечной массы. LGD-4033 (Лигандрол) is expected to produce the therapeutic benefits of …
Descriptions about YK11 YK-11 is a synthetic, стероидный селективный модулятор андрогенных рецепторов (САРМ). Это ген-селективный частичный агонист андрогенных рецепторов. (дополненная реальность) и не вызывает физического взаимодействия между NTD/AF1 и LBD/AF2. (известный как взаимодействие N/C), который необходим для полной трансактивации AR. The drug has anabolic activity in vitro in C2C12 myoblasts …
RAD140 (Testolone) Описание: RAD140 is a highly effective, oral SARM currently being studied for both anabolic and neuroprotective effects. It is in a class of androgen receptor (дополненная реальность) ligands that are tissue selective, разработан для лечения атрофии мышц, связанной с раком, острые и хронические заболевания и возрастная потеря мышечной массы. Recent research of RAD140 shows superior lean tissue selectivity, and reduced …
GW0742 is a highly selective and potent PPAR delta agonist. It is currently sold for research purposes under a license from GlaxoSmithKline. PPAR delta agonists are nuclear receptor proteins that play critical roles in regulating human metabolism, cell development, and cell differentiation. Product Function Reduces Gut Inflammation Improves Heart Health Helps With Diabetes Improves Lipid Profile Prevents Hypertension
Basic Information about Cardarine Endurobol GW-501516 GW501516 (also known as GW-501,516, GW1516, GSK-516 and Endurobol, is a PPARδ receptor agonist that was invented in a collaboration between Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline in the 1990s, was entered into clinical development as a drug candidate for metabolic diseases and cardiovascular diseases, and was abandoned in 2007 because animal testing showed that the …
SR9011 is a potent and specific synthetic REV-ERB agonist that binds to REV-ERB-α with an EC50 ~790 nM and REV-ERB-β with EC50 ~560 nM. It also has good in vivo plasma/brain exposure. The nuclear receptors REV-ERB-α and REV-ERB-β play an integral role in regulating the expression of core clock proteins, driving rhythms in activity and metabolism. Administration of SR9011 alters …
SR9009 Benefits Promotes the healing of ligaments, tendons, bones as well as old injuries Stimulates loose skin to tighten Promotes lean muscle mass Increases the oxidation of fat SR9009: A Drug That Might Cause A Major Breakthrough in Fitness The drug was developed by Professor Thomas Burris who found that it was capable of reducing obesity in animal models, particularly …
What is MK-1775? MK-1775 is an inhibitor of the checkpoint kinase Wee1 (IC50 = 5.2 nM).1 It has been shown to inhibit the phosphorylation of Cdc2 at tryosine-15, which abrogates the G2 DNA damage checkpoint.1 In p53-deficient tumors that rely solely on the G2 checkpoint upon DNA damage, MK-1775, in combination with DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic agents, is reported to induce apoptosis …
Энобосарм, better known as Ostarine or MK 2866, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (САРМ) developed by GTx (GTx-024) to combat muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Many speculate Ostarine may find uses in hormone replacement treatment plans, as well as in the treatment of sarcopenia, cachexia and muscle atrophy. This is a highly valuable benefit to those suffering from muscle wasting …
МК 677 (ИбутаМорен ) очень похож на пептиды, такие как ипаморелин и GHRP-6, но вводится перорально и вряд ли вызовет побочные эффекты, которые последний может вызвать во время использования. Помимо простоты использования, так как вам не нужно делать болезненные и неудобные инъекции с МК 677 (ИбутаМорен ), you can also expect to have significant …
Андростендион является общим предшественником мужских и женских половых гормонов.. Некоторое количество андростендиона также секретируется в плазму., и может превращаться в периферических тканях в тестостерон и эстрогены.. Андростендион можно синтезировать одним из двух способов.. Первичный путь включает превращение 17-гидроксипрегненолона в дегидроэпиандростерон посредством 17,20-лиазы., с последующим превращением дегидроэпиандростерона в андростендион через …